Finding differences in two Open-Office-Writer documents

…unction of XML Tools to get the XML files formatted. Now it is possible to compare the two files with tool for comparing text files and you will see the real text changes. Bernhard Mähr @ OPITZ-CONSULTING published at Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window) Cl…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…lized. So lets do it! First we define an Initialized annotation: 1 package com.oc.common.annotations; 2 3 @Target(ElementType.METHOD) 4 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 5 public @interface Initialized { 6 7 String[] initializedProperties(); 8 9 } 10 This annotation is used for operations this way: 1 @Initialized(initializedProperties = { “addresses”, “addresses.persons”, “addresses.persons.connections” }) 2 public Partner findByIdInitialized(fi…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…lized. So lets do it! First we define an Initialized annotation: 1 package com.oc.common.annotations; 2 3 @Target(ElementType.METHOD) 4 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 5 public @interface Initialized { 6 7 String[] initializedProperties(); 8 9 } 10 This annotation is used for operations this way: 1 @Initialized(initializedProperties = { “addresses”, “addresses.persons”, “addresses.persons.connections” }) 2 public Partner findByIdInitialized(fi…

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Encrypted credentials in Maven with jasypt

…d not set, passwords will not be decrypted.” 18 return 19 } 20 21 StandardPBEStringEncryptor encryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor() 22 encryptor.setPassword(properties[“jasypt.encryption.password”]) 23 24 Properties props = new EncryptableProperties((Properties)properties, encryptor); 25 26 props.propertyNames().each { 27 if(!it.startsWith(“resolved”)){ 28[it] = props.getProperty(it) 29 } 30 } 31 </source> 32 </configurati…

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OSB: Using current Eclipse version for development

…ins like SVN? The installation of the OSB development environment is quite complicated and “mythic”. It is described for example here. But after some analysis the connections can be found. In fact you need an Eclipse installation with OEPE and then some additional plugins are linked to the Eclipse installation. We take the Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) OEPE as basis, but you can also use an existing eclipse installation and install the OEPE update. Next we n…

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Bringing Apache virtual hosts and and conf together

…host, phpmyadmin on the db virtual host and wordpress and owncloud on the www virtual host. To achieve this it is possible to copy the configurations to the virtual hosts. But in fact there is a much simpler solution: Don’t add links to the conf-enabled folder to enable the configurations. Instead add lines like “Include conf-available/wordpress.conf” to the virtual host configuration. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to sha…

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Dual Boot Problem

…application is missing or corrupt. I had the idea to copy ntldr, and boot.ini to drive C: but without a visible success – the screen stayed black after selecting the XP entry from the Windows 7 boot manager. Also booting from an USB stick ended with the same empty black screen. After hours of checking configurations and searching the net I had an idea directing me to the right direction: I added a second entry to boot.ini. If there i…

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Reliable restart of the weblogic server

…some environment Variables 4 5 export HOSTNAME 6 env 7 8 DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain 9 DOMAIN_HOME=”/u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/${DOMAIN_NAME}” 10 11 echo Trying to stop CI for 60 seconds … 12 13 cd ${DOMAIN_HOME} 14 ( ${DOMAIN_HOME}/bin/ ) & sleep 60 ; kill $! 15 16 echo Killing CI if not stopped now … 17 18 pkill -f ${DOMAIN_NAME} 19 20 echo Waiting 30 seconds…

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OSB: Configurable basic authentication

Basic authentication is still a very common approach for securing web services. It is widely supported and can be tested with a browser. If used over a HTTPS connection also the credentials are encrypted. To use basic authentication the usual way with OSB it is necessary to select ‘Basic’ at the authentication section and a service account for the business service: For the service account the OSB supports three settings: Pass Through: The credent…

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OSB: Deleting corrupt projects

…e influences to other projects and lead to crashes on them. Before doing a complete reinstallation of the OSB I wanted to try to fix this deadlock. On the Weblogic  I found some mysterious deployed EAR files, but stopping and undeploying them didn’t have an effect. After some searching I finally found the folder /oracle/fmwhome/user_projects/domains/dev_soasuite/osb/config/core. Inside the folder there where a some folders named like the deployed…

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