Creating SSLContext for up-to-date HTTPS communiction with client certificate

If you try to implement with Java the client side for a HTTPS communication with client authenification and google for it, you will find  many examples. But with most of the examples you find, have the one or other problem, if you really try it. That’s why I want to wrap it up and bring […]

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Setting up a own CA for the enterprise

Inside an enterprise there are a lot of machines communicating with each other. It is necessary to keep these communications secure and private. This can be achieved through encryption. In the enterprise SOA the most important protocol is HTTP. The encrypted version is HTTPS and needs at least one certificate. The certificate is the host […]

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Using certificates for authentication at M2M communication

Most bigger companies are today building up a enterprise SOA. On of the key characteristic of the enterprise SOA is the machine to machine communication. The communication between the machines has to be secured. Important is 1.) to keep the the content of the sent messages private 2.) ensure only the authorized machine can invoke […]

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Encrypted credentials in Maven with jasypt

When developing enterprise applications it is best practice check in the source code into a version control system. Additionally to the code also configuration settings and credentials are often checked in. This is usually no problem  for test environments, but configurations for the production environments perhaps should not be readable for everyone having access to […]

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Bringing Apache virtual hosts and and conf together

With Apache 2.4 the configuration structure of apache changed. In the configuration folder of apache there are now subfolders conf mods sites The mods folder is quite clear. With links in the enabled folder the modules can be activated. Most web application like phpmyadmin, wordpress, owncloud, svn put their configuration like in apache 2.2 to […]

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Webservice with Spring Web Services 2.0 (M3)

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Listen NRJ germany and finland from mediaplayer

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

In the JEE architecture entities are used to transfer the data between database and business logic. An object relational mapper like hibernate or toplink the handles the transport of the data form the database table to the entity. The ORM does this not only for the requested object, also all referenced objects could be handled […]

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

In the JEE architecture entities are used to transfer the data between database and business logic. An object relational mapper like hibernate or toplink the handles the transport of the data form the database table to the entity. The ORM does this not only for the requested object, also all referenced objects could be handled […]

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