With the Oracle Service Bus (OSB) it is possible to extend the functionality by using java callouts. Java callouts are static operations implemented in Java and packaged in a jar file. The jar file and all dependencies have to be included into the OSB project. Then it is possible to select the operation in the […]
OSB: Deleting corrupt projects
Usually it is no problem to delete OSB projects from the server. This can be done by the sbconsole. But today we had a problem with a misconfigured OSB project. There was no possibility to modify the project, because activating the changes always resulted to a error message. Deleting was not possible and overwriting with […]
OSB: Using Tuxedo transport with eclipse development environment
When doing development for the OSB I usually don’t do this with the sbconsole, I use eclipse instead. There are some reasons: It is my usual development environment It is directly connected to the concurrent version tool The build and deploy scripts are used and tested from the start of the project The debugging feature […]
OSB: Creating meaningful SOAP exceptions
The OSB is usually used to transform and route messages. But sometimes something goes wrong and we have to return the caller an exception. This can happen in two situations: We want to create a new exception because a special situation We want to create a new exception because of an exception thrown by a […]
Webservice with Spring Web Services 2.0 (M3)
Some time ago I had to define a web service and write the web service implementation for a spring 3.0 project. The operations needed were quite simple. In the past I have usually used axis 1 to offer web services. The results have not been very satisfying because the development has always been quite complex […]
Back to the roots: Nachvollziehbarkeit und Konsistenz – Vom Fachkonzept zum Code
I have been working the last months on a paper for the magazine OBJEKTspektrum. And here it is: http://www.opitz-consulting.com/fileadmin/redaktion/veroeffentlichungen/pdf/objekt_spektrum_2010_6_maehr_sicher.pdf Bernhard Mähr @ OPITZ-CONSULTING published at http://thecattlecrew.wordpress.com/
JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem
In the JEE architecture entities are used to transfer the data between database and business logic. An object relational mapper like hibernate or toplink the handles the transport of the data form the database table to the entity. The ORM does this not only for the requested object, also all referenced objects could be handled […]
JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem
In the JEE architecture entities are used to transfer the data between database and business logic. An object relational mapper like hibernate or toplink the handles the transport of the data form the database table to the entity. The ORM does this not only for the requested object, also all referenced objects could be handled […]