Webservice with Spring Web Services 2.0 (M3)

…sionServiceFactory” factory-method=”createXMLConversionService” /> 32 33 <!– Dont’t use JBoss implementation, looses the return value –> 34 <bean id=”messageFactory” class=”org.springframework.ws.soap.saaj.SaajSoapMessageFactory”> 35 <property name=”messageFactory”> 36 <bean class=”com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl”/> 37 </property> 38 </bean> 39 40 </beans> – We use annotations to define the endpoints – T…

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OSB: Creating meaningful SOAP exceptions

…2:MessageType>fault</v12:MessageType> 14 <v12:MessageID>5480523608781123005–3df23bc.1471b27a72f.-7f99</v12:MessageID> 15 <v12:MessageVersion>1.0</v12:MessageVersion> 16 <v12:MessageReferenceID>1234345667890</v12:MessageReferenceID> 17 </v12:Message> 18 <v12:Caller xmlns:v12=”http://opitz-consulting.com/data/common/RequestInformationTypes/V1″> 19 <v12:SourceSystemName>testSystem</v12:SourceSystemName> 20 <v12:Environment>DEV</v12:Environment> 21 <…

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OSB: Configuration with custom XQuery functions

…l version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> 2 <xpf:xpathFunctions xmlns:xpf=”http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/xpath/config”> 3 <xpf:category id=”OSB Configuration XQuery Functions”> 4 5 <xpf:function> 6 <xpf:name>getServerName</xpf:name> 7 <xpf:comment>Returns the hostname of the server.</xpf:comment> 8 <xpf:namespaceURI>http://opitz-consulting.com/osb/custom/functions/config</xpf:namespaceURI> 9 <xpf:className>com.opitzconsulting.osb.xquery.config.ConfigXQueryFu…

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JAX-WS: How to input and output XML AnyType

…ll”) 2 @WebResult(name = “responseXMLData”, targetNamespace = “http://opitz-consulting.com/interfaces/TestMessages/V1″) 3 @RequestWrapper(localName = “testXMLCall”, targetNamespace = “http://opitz-consulting.com/interfaces/TestMessages/V1″, className = “com.oc.soa.sample.ws.v1.messages.TestXMLCall”) 4 @ResponseWrapper(localName = “testXMLCallResponse”, targetNamespace = “http://opitz-consulting.com/interfaces/TestMessages/V1″, className = “com.oc….

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Tunneling SSH over HTTPS with Apache 2.4 and virtual hosts

…ble to try to connect to my server once more. The command is 1 proxytunnel -E -p tunnel.bmaehr.com:443 -d tunnel.bmaehr.com:22 -v I first tried with the argument –d like it is suggested in many examples. But this is  not working, because apache is complaining about “Hostname tunnel.bmaehr.com provided via SNI and hostname provided via HTTP are different”. Perhaps there a setting to ignore this problem and doing a local conne…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…ionException. There are three common solutions of the problem: Open-Session-In-View pattern Eager fetch pattern DTO pattern You can find descriptions of the patterns around in the net e.g. here The Open-Session-In-View pattern is from the architectural view point very ugly. Loading of data is done in the view layer. Additionally it is very easy to get mysterious effects. For example if an attribute of an displayed object has a value, which is not…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…ionException. There are three common solutions of the problem: Open-Session-In-View pattern Eager fetch pattern DTO pattern You can find descriptions of the patterns around in the net e.g. here The Open-Session-In-View pattern is from the architectural view point very ugly. Loading of data is done in the view layer. Additionally it is very easy to get mysterious effects. For example if an attribute of an displayed object has a value, which is not…

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Using certificates for authentication at M2M communication

…e authorized machine can invoke operations The first point can be achieved using HTTPS communication for webservice calls. Username and Password over HTTPS The second point is at user to machine communication often realized using a username and a password combination and can also be used for machine to machine communication. On the client side (host1) the certificate of the certificate authority is needed to establish a trust to the CA. On the hos…

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Editing build.prop on Android L

…eading the positive feedback to the new Android L version (XDA Android “L” Developer Preview Discussion) and discovering SuperSU 2.01 (SuperSU 2.01 Lets You Root the Android L Developer Preview) and Titanium Backup (Experimental Titanium Backup build with Android L support) is supporting Android L I decided to install the new version to my mobile. The first impression of Android are very promising, but I hate the big icons of Android L (and also K…

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OSB: Using current Eclipse version for development

…og/java/oracle/mw_osb_11.1.1.6/Oracle_OSB1 4 -Dosgi.bundlefile.limit=750 5 -Dosgi.nl=en_US 6 -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.disablePrinting 7 -Dmiddleware.home=D:/prog/java/oracle/mw_osb_11.1.1.6 8 For a Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) OEPE installation this is all to do but as we use Eclipse 4.4 OEPE there are some more steps necessary. First we need to install the Oracle xmlbeans plugin. The file oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans_4.2.0.201112072225.jar needs t…

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