Webservice with Spring Web Services 2.0 (M3)

…andalone=”no”?> 2 <xs:schema xmlns:testService=”http://ws.opitz-consulting.com/test/sws2/TestService” xmlns:xs=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” elementFormDefault=”qualified” targetNamespace=”http://ws.opitz-consulting.com/test/sws2/TestService”> 3 <xs:element name=”checkValueRequest”> 4 <xs:complexType> 5 <xs:sequence> 6 <xs:element name=”testToken” type=”xs:token”/> 7 <xs:element name=”date” type=”xs:date”/> 8 </xs:sequence> 9 </xs:complexType…

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OSB: Creating meaningful SOAP exceptions

…r=”$errorMessage” type=”xs:string” ::) 8 9 declare namespace con = “http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context”; 10 declare namespace exception = “http://opitz-consulting.com/data/common/BusinessExceptionTypes/V1″; 11 declare namespace request = “http://opitz-consulting.com/data/common/RequestInformationTypes/V1″; 12 declare namespace soap = “http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”; 13 declare namespace xf = “http://opitz-consulting.com/data/common/tran…

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OSB: Configuration with custom XQuery functions

…l version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> 2 <xpf:xpathFunctions xmlns:xpf=”http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/xpath/config”> 3 <xpf:category id=”OSB Configuration XQuery Functions”> 4 5 <xpf:function> 6 <xpf:name>getServerName</xpf:name> 7 <xpf:comment>Returns the hostname of the server.</xpf:comment> 8 <xpf:namespaceURI>http://opitz-consulting.com/osb/custom/functions/config</xpf:namespaceURI> 9 <xpf:className>com.opitzconsulting.osb.xquery.config.ConfigXQueryFu…

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JAX-WS: How to input and output XML AnyType

…pper(localName = “testXMLCall”, targetNamespace = “http://opitz-consulting.com/interfaces/TestMessages/V1″, className = “com.oc.soa.sample.ws.v1.messages.TestXMLCall”) 4 @ResponseWrapper(localName = “testXMLCallResponse”, targetNamespace = “http://opitz-consulting.com/interfaces/TestMessages/V1″, className = “com.oc.soa.sample.ws.v1.messages.TestXMLCallResponse”) 5 public Object testXMLCall( 6 @WebParam(name = “name”, targetNamespace = “http://opi…

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Tunneling SSH over HTTPS with Apache 2.4 and virtual hosts

…onnect didn’t connect to tunnel.bmaehr.com – instead the connection was to www.bmaehr.com. I decided to built a new version of proxytunnel for windows with the latest sources. They are available at github. There where at least two people providing a patch for proxytunnel to support SNI. Unfortunately no one added their path to the source. I was able to find one of the patches here and include it myself. I compiled proxytunnel according this blog u…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…lized. So lets do it! First we define an Initialized annotation: 1 package com.oc.common.annotations; 2 3 @Target(ElementType.METHOD) 4 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 5 public @interface Initialized { 6 7 String[] initializedProperties(); 8 9 } 10 This annotation is used for operations this way: 1 @Initialized(initializedProperties = { “addresses”, “addresses.persons”, “addresses.persons.connections” }) 2 public Partner findByIdInitialized(fi…

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JEE: Solving the eager fetch or Open-Session-In-View problem

…lized. So lets do it! First we define an Initialized annotation: 1 package com.oc.common.annotations; 2 3 @Target(ElementType.METHOD) 4 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 5 public @interface Initialized { 6 7 String[] initializedProperties(); 8 9 } 10 This annotation is used for operations this way: 1 @Initialized(initializedProperties = { “addresses”, “addresses.persons”, “addresses.persons.connections” }) 2 public Partner findByIdInitialized(fi…

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Back to the roots: Nachvollziehbarkeit und Konsistenz – Vom Fachkonzept zum Code

…r the magazine OBJEKTspektrum. And here it is: http://www.opitz-consulting.com/fileadmin/redaktion/veroeffentlichungen/pdf/objekt_spektrum_2010_6_maehr_sicher.pdf Bernhard Mähr @ OPITZ-CONSULTING published at http://thecattlecrew.wordpress.com/ Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window) Click to pr…

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OSB: Using current Eclipse version for development

…a patched version of the messageflow-ui.jar. This is copied to the plugins/com.bea.alsb.process.messageflow.ui_1.4.0 folder and replaces the old version. And this is how it finally looks like:   Bernhard Mähr @ OPITZ-CONSULTING published at http://thecattlecrew.wordpress.com/ Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Click to share on Telegram (…

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Bringing Apache virtual hosts and and conf together

…host, phpmyadmin on the db virtual host and wordpress and owncloud on the www virtual host. To achieve this it is possible to copy the configurations to the virtual hosts. But in fact there is a much simpler solution: Don’t add links to the conf-enabled folder to enable the configurations. Instead add lines like “Include conf-available/wordpress.conf” to the virtual host configuration. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to sha…

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